Child Study Team

  • The district Child Study Team serves as a unit in the identification, educational planning and program monitoring of the children identified to the team. The identification process can be initiated by a parent or physician, but usually it is the pupil's teacher who will initially show concern over the pupil's lack of progress and make this fact known to the parent and school principal. The school may then, with the collaboration of the parent, seek to remedy the pupil's difficulties through strategic intervention provided by the Intervention and Referral Committee (I&RS). If the interventions attempted do not prove helpful, the child may be referred to the Child Study Team. 

    When the student is identified to the Child Study Team, the team reviews the student's records, school performance, teacher input, parent concerns and determines if an evaluation is needed. If it is, parent consent to evaluate will be obtained. Following this evaluation, an Eligibility Conference is held and if a pupil is found eligible for special education and related services, an Individual Education Program (IEP) will be developed and implemented with parent consent. The IEP addresses the child's special needs, including specialized instruction and recommended placement. The entire procedure from identification to program implementation is completed within a ninety-day time limit imposed by law.

    Child Find

    The Lodi School district is participating in Child Find, a statewide program to locate and provide services for children ages 3 to 21 years who may have physical, mental, academic, and/or emotional difficulties.  Screening, professional guidance, and an education program, if needed, are available free through public schools.